How To Successfully Unlock Your Snapchat Account: Step-by-Step Guide

Key Takeaways

  • Type your username or email into the Snapchat unlock page and follow the instructions you see.
  • Go to the official Snapchat website to unlock your account.
  • Don’t use apps that Snapchat doesn’t approve to avoid getting locked out again.
  • If your account is still locked, contact Snapchat’s help team.
  • Keep your account information current and turn on two-factor authentication for better security.

Snapchat sometimes locks accounts to keep users and the platform safe from unauthorised access and misuse. These security steps are crucial for maintaining the app secure and reliable. You can’t access your profile, send messages, or post content when an account is locked. This helps prevent security threats and misuse.

Reasons for a Locked Snapchat Account

unlock snapchat

Unauthorized or unreliable third-party apps

  • Security Risks: These third-party apps often don’t protect your data well, which can lead to security breaches.
  • Data Privacy Concerns: These apps might misuse your personal information without your permission.
  • Violation of Terms: Snapchat’s rules forbid using external apps or plugins that interact with their service. Using them can get your account locked.

Abusive activity or Behaviour

If your Snapchat account gets locked, it might be because of abusive behaviour. Such actions usually lead to a review of your account and might result in a temporary or permanent block to keep the platform safe.

If this happens, check which rules you broke. Knowing them can help you avoid future issues and might help you get your account back through Snapchat’s support.

Suspicious behaviour or login attempts

  • Trying to log in too many times with the wrong password
  • Logging in from a new place
  • Changing account settings

Categories of Locked Snapchat Accounts

Knowing the types of locked Snapchat accounts helps users get their access back. These types include:

  • Permanently locked
  • Temporarily locked
  • Compromised accounts

Permanently locked


A permanently locked Snapchat account means that the user has broken the rules so badly that they can’t get back in. Snapchat takes this extreme step when someone seriously or repeatedly ignores the rules. All users must realize how serious this is.

  • Severe Violations
  • Repeated Violations
  • Unauthorized Software

Temporarily locked

snapchat unlock

When Snapchat locks an account temporarily, it usually means the user broke the app’s rules or acted suspiciously, but not severely enough for a permanent ban. Common reasons include using unofficial apps, spamming, or adding too many friends without proper contact details.

Compromised account

Here’s what you should do right away to protect your account and stop more problems:

  • Change your password right now: Pick a strong, unique password you haven’t used elsewhere.
  • Turn on two-factor authentication: This extra step keeps your account safer by needing your password and a code sent to your phone.
  • Reach out to Snapchat Support: Tell them about the breach and follow their advice to secure your account and regain control.

How to Unlock Your Snapchat Account

Use the unlock webpage

To unlock your Snapchat account, go to Snapchat’s official recovery page. This page helps you quickly unlock your account. Make sure you have your login information handy to speed up the process.

Here are the steps on the unlock page:

  • Enter your Username or Email: This confirms you own the account.
  • Login and Find the Unblock Option: After logging in, look for and click the ‘Unblock’ button to start the unlock process.
  • Follow the Instructions on the Screen: Read any messages or instructions carefully. They might have important information about your account or extra steps you need to take.

Contact Snapchat support

Go to the official Snapchat support website and click on ‘Contact Us.’ Choose the problem that fits your situation, like ‘I can’t access my account’ or ‘My account was hacked.’

You’ll need to fill out a form with your username and the email linked to your account. After you send this, the Snapchat team will look into your issue and get back to you by email.

Tips to prevent getting locked out again

By staying within Snapchat’s rules, you’ll improve your experience and keep your account secure. Here are straightforward tips to ensure you can always access your account:

  • Check Your Contact Details: Make sure your email and phone number on Snapchat are up-to-date and correct.
  • Stay Away from Unauthorized Apps: Don’t use third-party apps or plugins that Snapchat hasn’t approved.
  • Know and Follow the Rules: Learn Snapchat’s terms and community guidelines and stick to them to avoid getting locked out.


Understanding how to handle a locked Snapchat account can help you keep access and enjoy the app without interruption. Getting your account back involves following specific steps and knowing and avoiding what causes the lock. This guide has given you detailed advice and steps to regain control of your Snapchat.

  • Stay Updated: Keep up with Snapchat’s rules and policies.
  • Act Quickly: Fix any issues with your account as soon as you notice them.
  • Keep It Secure: Protect your account by removing unapproved apps and keeping your login information safe.

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